Unfortunately, the ironing board can become a receptacle for all manner of stain-inducing objects; especially for the seamstress, who uses it's surface as a second desk. Coffee cups and plates of cookies can be found perched on my board at any time. Over time, these lovely indulgences are inevitably going to leave their mark on the surface which will receive my white cotton blouse, not to mention my $25-a- yard silk charmeuse. *shudder*
Fortunately, thanks to a fabulous tutorial I found over on the Purl Bee, I can change the surface on my ironing board as easily as I can change the sheets on my bed. Well, maybe not quite that easily. With just a few materials, and these wonderfully clear instructions and illustrations, you can have your ironing board all spiffed up and ready for your next pressing issue.
Et Voila! My spanking new ironing board cover~~easy as pie.......almost.
By the way, I totally judge books by their covers---don't you ;-)? Here are a few favorites.....

....all from Anthropologie.